Who wants a boring looking website? Even a minimal design can exude “class”. Each theme offers loads of options to customise your website so your business always looks good online.

Responsive design

responsive website adjusts itself so that you always have an optimum view on a wide-screen desktop computer or a small tablet.

Even on a smartphone, your website will adapt for the best view. It will show the menu, contact details and click-to-call phone numbers prominently since these are the things most mobile users are interested in.

All the colours you want

We will match your chosen theme to your branding and colour preferences.

Gorgeous page elements


Staff 1 name

Staff 1 name

Position / role

More info

Staff 2 name

Staff 2 name

Position / role

More info

Staff 3 name

Staff 3 name

Position / role

More info

Staff 4 name

Staff 4 name

Position / role

More info

Service 1 name

Service 1 name

Short description can be added

More info

Service 2 name

Service 2 name

Short description can be added

More info

Service 3 name

Service 3 name

Short description can be added

More info

Service 4 name

Service 4 name

Short description can be added

More info

Eye-catching movement

Hover your mouse here

Awesome special effects


Sliders for attention-grabbing headings, call-to-action features and galleries.

Dynamic services slider
Service 1 name
Short description can be added
Dynamic services slider
Service 2 name
Short description can be added
Dynamic services slider
Service 3 name
Short description can be added
previous arrow
next arrow

Get your visitors to take action

Call-to-action example:

One and only slide
Seminar series

Change this paragraph with your awesome feature content!

Upcoming event

Use unmissable page sections like this to highlight important events, offers or news.

Call-to-action example:

Upcoming event

Use unmissable page sections like this to highlight important events, offers or news.

Seminar series

Change this paragraph with your awesome feature content!


There are several built-in forms you can use for online enquiries, appointments and newsletter subscriptions (example on right). However, there is endless room to collect whatever information you want from your visitors with custom forms.

Forms are also useful for integrating with marketing funnels.

Get tips in your inbox


Easily embed videos from just about any source.

Click to play on page:

Click to play in pop-up:

Even the boring stuff look good


Tables will automatically enable sideways scrolling on small screens like smartphones.

9am: Pilates9am: Pilates9am: Pilates9am: Pilates
10am: Pilates10am: Pilates
12pm: Yoga12pm: Yoga12pm: Yoga12pm: Yoga12pm: Yoga12pm: Yoga
1pm: Pilates1pm: Pilates1pm: Pilates1pm: Pilates


Unlimited list styles

  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item
  • Styled list item

Page dividers



Display several randomised testimonials at once or one at a time.

No more drugs for my back pain

Very knowledgeable and effective physios. Able to diagnose and develop an effective treatment plan for a back issue that doctors just wanted to throw drugs at. Near instant improvement!
5 stars
~ Rhonda C